Life long recovery is possible.
Addiction Treatment

Congratulations to Dr. Mario for Publication in the CSAM Newsletter

Mario San Bartolome, MD

Dr. Mario’s Article Published by the CSAM

Experience Recovery is proud to announce that our very own Dr. Mario San Bartolome (“Dr. Mario”) has published an article in the California Society of Addiction Medicine’s prestigious newsletter. His article entitled, “Applying Your Addiction Medicine Know-How” appears in the Spring 2018 issue. We would like to congratulate Dr. Mario on his accomplishment – it is quite an achievement to be published by the CSAM.

Our Mission and Vision

At Experience Recovery, our mission is to be committed to ethical and professional healthcare services for individuals and families. Our vision is to empower those we serve. Dr. Mario’s CSAM article, and his continued dedication to making a positive impact on the field of addiction medicine demonstrates our mission and vision in action.

Clients who come to us for professional addiction treatment services typically don’t realize how much goes on behind the scenes in the realm of substance abuse treatment. There are governmental guidelines, insurance policies, and state and federal regulations that directly impact access to addiction treatment services.

Dr. Mario Encourages Colleagues to Step Out of Their Comfort Zone

In his CSAM article, Dr. Mario encourages those who provide addiction treatment services to extend their influence beyond the realm of individualized care. He recognizes that those who treat addicted people one-on-one are quite comfortable doing so, but Dr. Mario asks his colleagues to step out of their comfort zone and become involved in matters that affect rehabilitation outside treatment centers.

“It’s time to get involved in activities outside of the individual patient care bubble as well. You have a unique skill set and this is a particularly vulnerable time for the country’s leadership,” Dr. Mario writes in his article.
He continues, “As addiction medicine specialists, we have a duty to serve our patients whether in the clinic or the boardroom, and the addiction medicine professional is in a unique position to help keep policies relevant, effective, and humane.”

Experience Recovery Applauds Dr. Mario’s Positive Impact on Addiction Treatment

At Experience Recovery, we applaud Dr. Mario’s efforts to make a positive impact on addiction treatment by reaching out to his colleagues and asking them to step up their game. It is important for those who treat addiction to recognize that there is work to do when it comes to changing policies, influencing legislation, and changing regulations that negatively impact addiction rehabilitation.

Because we know Dr. Mario personally, we know how passionate he is about advocating for improving access to care and quality of treatments for people with substance use disorders through leadership at the local, state and national level. Dr. Mario also enjoys teaching students and colleagues about Addiction Medicine.

To put it simply, the world needs more addiction specialists like Dr. Mario. By publishing his article in the CSAM newsletter, he performed a great service for the addiction community by sharing his wisdom and insight. His article is nothing short of a motivational call to action for those who serve on the front lines of addiction treatment.

At Experience Recovery, we appreciate Dr. Mario’s professionalism and commitment to excellence. He is a forward-thinking and active member of the professional community of addiction medicine. Dr. Mario genuinely cares about every client he treats and has a sincere desire to see that every person who struggles with addiction find freedom and fulfillment. We are confident we will continue to see great things from Dr. Mario and consider it a great privilege to have him as one of our staff members.

Experience Recovery Launches

Experience Recovery Launches, Helping Orange County Residents Find Freedom from Addiction

Drug and alcohol addiction can have a poisonous effect on the body and mind; and, a corrosive one on personal finances, relationships, and professional achievement. And yet, for those who struggle with addiction, freedom can seem elusive. The good news: Clinical intervention works, and recovery is attainable for anyone. That’s the message of hope that Experience Recovery is bringing to Orange County.

Experience Recovery Makes Freedom Attainable

Experience Recovery Makes Freedom Attainable

Based in Westminster, California, Experience Recovery offers full clinical rehab services for those who struggle with drug and alcohol addiction; while the program is open to everyone, Experience Recovery specializes in addiction recovery programs that are tailored to men.

Another area of expertise is executive rehab. With discreet services and flexible scheduling, Experience Recovery helps busy entrepreneurs and C-suite leaders get back to work as quickly as possible—free from the draining effects of alcoholism or drug addiction.

Experience Recovery’s Approach to Recovery

Experience Recovery starts with the premise that addiction is a mental health disorder—a disease that often involves physiological changes to the brain itself. As such, it’s proudly staffed by a team of healthcare professionals who take a clinically-proven, data-driven approach to recovery, only offering treatments that are known to be safe and effective.

This science-based approach is used to design customized recovery programs for each client—programs that include such diverse components as emotional, social, and spiritual health, as well as financial and occupational concerns.

Experience Recovery is proud to offer its clients a full continuum of care, ensuring seamless medical intervention throughout the recovery program. The goal? Empowering each client to live a life of ongoing sobriety, and to find freedom from addiction’s ill effects.

Addiction Recovery Programs in Orange County

No two clients have the exact same needs, and as such Experience Recovery tailors its programming to meet individuals where they are. Some basic programming options include:

Those in Orange County who are looking for freedom from drug and alcohol addiction are invited to meet with an Experience Recovery admissions counselor to learn which program is best suited for their needs.

Find Freedom from Addiction at Experience Recovery

Find Freedom from Addiction at Experience RecoveryExperience Recovery is now accepting new clients at its Westminster, California location. Proudly serving the greater Orange County area, Experience Recovery can be contacted at 3921 W. Hazard Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92703, or at

Those who struggle with addiction know that it can sometimes feel hopeless; likewise, those whose loved ones wrestle with drug or alcohol abuse understand how frightening the situation can be. But remember: Nobody is beyond the scope of recovery. Clinical intervention has been proven effective time and time again. The first step toward lasting recovery is simply requesting help from medical professionals—and that’s where Experience Recovery comes in.

Start the recovery journey today. Reach out to Experience Recovery to learn about freedom from addiction.

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